by Hokis
Dedicated to the shared dream space of Travis and Christine Young Kelly.
I believe
animals know things, and often because
they are looking out for the one homosapien
who honors what they know.
In there is some Him,
in there is some You,
in there is some of the Third Entity that still exists
in the absence of One.
Morning gold, on the face, is the perfect
daytime pause in the story of the
moon shadowed visitations of the
the hoofed, tailed and winged ones
following the scent of longing, arriving
only for those who create safety for their
Third Souls to find rest.
About Hokis
Hokis ,n., /hō/kēs/ 1. Armenian for “my soul“ or "my beloved.” 2. First born American to Armenian Immigrants. 3. Adopted by American family. 3. Survivor. 4. Poet. {connect via Tw, In, or Fb}