Puny the Fox Gets Detention
by Samuel Strathman
Grade six detention, and master skunk
is watching Puny with indignation.
White streaked tail alert to any
inkling of an indiscretion that might
ricochet its way across the classroom.
Black eyes churning the cauldron
of repentance, aware that this is the first
slap on the wrist for the runt of the pack.
Sniggering at the teacher’s pronunciation
of “geometric,” what a slipup.
Who would have thought
that the teacher had been
listening with the keenness of an owl
scrounging for a black cat
to drape over a full plate of caviar.
Old skunky never abides
by students foolish enough
to egg each other on in class.
Look at these so called “best mates” now,
shuddering under the weight of their misdeeds,
like a resounding thud of an elephant’s hoof,
smothering its wheezing prey.
When the master’s clock
strikes the midnight hour,
all are released to go home,
but not will make it to their lodgings,
least of all the cowardly fox boy.
No, Puny gets to be pulverized,
and then gutted on the beach
by the Kraken who’s been hungry for days.