by Sara Matson
fighting salacious
space babes +
fearless operators
(personal willing material)
wrapped in metaphor
our geode playwright
carved fetish into
consciousness //
the beginning was
monsters – steep
episodic lilies
with trusting fragility
( an obsession jinx ! )
while a beautiful
palate coos into breasts +
cosmetic opinion
tulips responsible
for profound
caused a fervor of thigh-
high years stretched
across the tarot deck
like webbed fingers
against the light of day
About Sara
Sara Matson’s poetry has been nominated for Best of the Net 2019 + can be found in The Journal Petra, DATABLEED, Pulp Poets Press, and elsewhere. Sara’s chapbook, electric grandma is available from Another New Calligraphy and her chaplet, Forgotten: Women in Science is available from Damaged Goods Press. Sara lives in Chicago with her rad husband + cats, and Tweets as @skeletorwrites. More of Sara Matson’s poems can be found at https://neutralspaces.co/saramatson/